Dragon Ball Z Episode 16

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Retrieved February 16, 2014. King Kai interrupts their conversation. Goku is swarmed by robots who appear out of nowhere, and he is forced to transform into a Super Saiyan.

It belongs to a beautiful woman, and the villagers agree to hand it over if they help them. The AB Groupe Dub first ran in the UK from March 3, 2003 on until August 17, 2003. Pan is very disappointed that she cannot go because she's too young.

Dragon Ball Z Episode 16 - Unbeknownst to the savage Goku, Pan and Mr.

First Dragon Ball GT DVD volume, released in Japan by Toei Animation on February 6, 2008, depicting three forms of Goku. Produced by , the series premiered in Japan on on February 7, 1996, spanning 64 episodes until its conclusion on November 19, 1997. Unlike the other anime series in the Dragon Ball franchise, Dragon Ball GT is not based on the series written by , but a project by Toei Animation; the same characters are used, and the series also continues the story where Dragon Ball Z had left off. Funimation's English of the series aired on from November 7, 2003 to April 16, 2005. The original television broadcast skipped the first 16 episodes of the series. The series was later released to DVD in the Season set form. The first set was released on December 9, 2008, and the second set was released on February 10, 2009. Funimation's English dub began re-airing in the U. Dragon Ball GT uses five pieces of theme music. It was used as the ending theme for the remainder of the series, except for the final episode, which reused the opening theme for the series as the ending theme. In Japan, Dragon Ball GT like both of the previous Dragon Ball series was aired year-round continuously, with regular off-days for sporting events and television specials. Son Goku Becomes A Child!? Gokū ga Kodomo ni!? February 7, 1996 February 5, 2005 As Goku and Uub fight inside Dende's lookout, Emperor Pilaf scales the outside of the lookout, and sneaks in to the inner chamber, unnoticed. He finds the Black Star Dragon Balls, and summons the dragon so he can wish to take over the world. After Goku and Uub finally ended their training and Uub leaving the lookout after bidding farewell to Goku, Pilaf was about to wish to take over the world until he is interrupted by Goku as Pilaf discovers that Goku looks very familiar and Pilaf orders his assistants, Shu and Mai to fire the missiles at Goku, but Goku stops the missiles. Frustrated, he accidentally says that he wishes Goku were a child again so he could beat him up, unaware that the dragon is listening. The dragon grants this accidental wish, and Goku becomes a child. After Pilaf leaves, King Kai tells Goku that the only way he can return to normal is by finding the Black Star Dragon Balls, which are now scattered throughout the galaxy. However, Goku decides it will be easier to just grow up again after telling King Kai that he kinda likes being the size of a kid again, and he heads into town. There he finds Pan foiling a bank robbery while Pan is on a date and Pan discovers that the little boy is her grandfather after Goku sees Master Roshi again and Master Roshi recognizes Goku. He heads home for the first time in years with her, and explains to everyone what happened, which shocks Gohan, Videl and a crying Chi-Chi. King Kai interrupts their conversation. He has discovered that when a wish is made on the Black Star Dragon Balls, the planet the wish was made on will explode within one year unless the seven balls are brought back. Pan Flies Into Space!! Pan Uchū ni Tobitatsu!! February 14, 1996 February 12, 2005 Bulma begins preparing the spaceship for Goku's journey. Gohan decides to go, as well, because he can help Goku find the Black Star Dragon Balls. Pan is very disappointed that she cannot go because she's too young. Everyone has been treating her like a child lately, and she is getting frustrated. When it's time for blast-off, Vegeta decides that Trunks and Goten should go instead of Gohan, because in his eyes, the two of them have gotten soft in this time of peace. This means that Trunks will be relieved of his duties as president of Capsule Corp and Goten can cancel his date. While Goten is saying goodbye to his girlfriend, Trunks and Goku board the ship, only to find that Pan has snuck into the control room. She hits the blast-off button before Goten can climb aboard. Now Goku, Trunks, and Pan begin their adventure as Goten can finally go back to dating his girlfriend. The absence of the part causes a jet to fall off of the ship. Trunks makes an emergency landing on the nearest planet, Imecka. Everyone on this planet tries to sell them things. Even the hotel they stay at charges them for every possible thing. They learn that this is all because of the new tyrannical king of Imecka. While walking back to the ship, Trunks drops the dragon radar, and it is eaten by a small robot. After they catch the robot, they see their spaceship being dragged away. Gokū ga Shimei Tehai!? February 28, 1996 February 26, 2005 Pan packs up the robot in her backpack. Goku tries to use Instant Transmission to catch the thieves, but finds that his control over the ability is severely limited due to his new body. They follow the tracks to the palace and sneak in. When they reach their ship, their cover is blown, and they have to make a quick escape. They safely reach the outskirts of town, but Trunks still needs a part to fix the ship. Back in town, they find that they are at the top of Imecka's most wanted list. To make matters worse, a band of military officers arrives to arrest them. Once inside, they break their bonds and head to the king's room. After failing to stop them with guns, he sends his best fighter, Ledgic, after them. Goku and Ledgic begin to fight, and Goku's transformation into a Super Saiyan is too much for Ledgic, and he gives up, defeated. The king promises to give his citizens free rent on their homes, and to return all of their spaceships. While packing up to leave, they realize that Giru, the robot, has integrated the dragon radar into his system, and they spot the location of their first Dragon Ball. Everything on this planet is massive. They find the four-star Dragon Ball lying under a tree, but before they can get it, a giant apple falls on it. Then a giant bird swoops down and picks up the apple, and unfortunately, the Dragon Ball is stuck in it. The bird belongs to a giant, and they follow him back to his campsite. They sneak around to try to get the apple, but he eats it before they can get it. The giant starts howling in pain, and Goku figures out that the Dragon Ball has broken one of the giant's teeth and is stuck there. He flies in the giant's mouth and blasts the tooth out with a Kamehameha wave. The group leaves the planet with their first Black Star Dragon Ball. It belongs to a beautiful woman, and the villagers agree to hand it over if they help them. Their village is being terrorized by a giant beast named Zoonama. The girl has agreed to become Zoonama's bride if he will stop creating earthquakes, and he agrees, saying that he'll come back tomorrow for her. Pan comes up with a plan to stop Zoonama, and attempts to force Goku to pose as the girl and then cut off the monster's whiskers, which is what he uses to create earthquakes, when his guard is down. However, as Goku is too short to pull it off convincingly, the two force Trunks to do so. The next day, Zoonama comes to claim his bride, Trunks. Trunks gives Zoonama a potion that is supposed to put him to sleep. After he passes out, Doma uses a giant pair of scissors to cut off his whiskers. However, he is only able to cut off one before Zoonama wakes up. He is still tipsy from the potion, and tries to cause an earthquake with his remaining whisker, but nothing happens. They discover that Zoonama has only been predicting earthquakes, not causing them. The volcano begins to erupt. They all are able to escape but the lava from the eruption is heading towards the village. Goku is able to destroy it with a Kamehameha wave. Later, they are given the six-star ball as a reward. The ball begins to glow, and it flies into the hands of one of the villagers, who reveals himself to be an alien. He flies in the air, and a ship picks him up and flies away. Son Goku Leaps Into The Planet of Traps!? Gokū Tobikomu Wana no Hoshi!? April 24, 1996 March 26, 2005 Goku, Trunks, and Pan begin to chase after the three Para Para brothers, one of whom stole their Dragon Ball. The brothers tricked them into a rocky planet, whose center is a maze of caves. They escape, and return to their home planet, leaving Goku, Trunks, and Pan lost in the maze. Upon their arrival, they hand over the Dragon Ball to Cardinal Muchi Muchi, the servant of Lord Luud. The Cardinal is angry with them, because he knows that the three had another Dragon Ball aboard their ship, and if they don't retrieve it, he will turn them into dolls. The Para Para brothers return to the planet they left Goku and the others on. When they find them, they are being attacked by four giant worm monsters. The Para Para brothers take the opportunity to sneak onto their ship and try to steal the Dragon Ball. May 1, 1996 March 26, 2005 When the three Para Para brothers fail to find the Dragon Ball on Trunks' ship, they realize that one of the other three must be carrying it on them. Goku figures out how to defeat the giant worm monsters, and the three make short work of them. The Para Para brothers then command them to hand over the four-star ball, but Goku refuses. The brothers then take off their armor, which turn into stereos, and they start dancing. The mystical beat forces Goku, Trunks, and Pan to dance along with them, and the brothers' leader takes advantage of their essential paralysis and begins to beat them up. More giant worm monsters appear and crush the brothers' stereos, freeing Goku, Trunks, and Pan. The three then easily defeat the Para Para brothers. Later, when searching the brothers' ship for the stolen Dragon Ball, Pan and Giru accidentally trigger the launch sequence, and the ship takes off, leaving Trunks and Goku behind. The Para Para brothers tell Goku and Trunks where their ship went, and they follow closely after them. Pan goes into the castle, but Giru, being too scared, flies away. He finds Trunks, Goku, and the Para Para brothers and tells them where Pan went. Pan fights her way into the main chamber and grabs the Dragon Ball, but Cardinal Muchi Muchi stops her by turning her into a doll. He is about to throw her into the giant cauldron when Trunks and Goku show up. Angry, the Cardinal turns the brothers into dolls and disposes of them. He then sics a giant robotic lion on Goku and Trunks, but Goku drops a giant boulder on it. The resulting explosion destroys Cardinal Muchi Muchi, but his whip transforms into his true form. While he addresses his followers, they notice that he is operating Lord Luud with a remote control. He admits that Luud is just a robot, but then uses Luud to turn them into dolls. He uses the energy from the dolls to power Lord Luud. Meanwhile, Goku and Trunks transform into Super Saiyans, and are able to defeat Cardinal Muchi Muchi. They head into the main chamber to retrieve the Dragon Ball, but Master Daltaki stops them. He has finally gathered enough energy to power up Lord Luud. Though powerful, his fighting technique is lacking, and Goku and Trunks are able to take him down. Meanwhile, Daltaki is summoned before his master, Dr. Myuu realizes that Luud is losing his fight, so he commands Daltaki to let Luud absorb Pan. When he refuses, Myuu turns him into a doll, and Lord Luud absorbs both of them. Finally at full power, Lord Luud continues his fight against Goku and Trunks with renewed energy. June 5, 1996 April 9, 2005 Now at full power, Lord Luud seems unstoppable. Inside of the robot, Pan and the Para Para brothers force Daltaki to tell them how to escape. He says that there is a single cell on the chest of the robot, and that hitting it with simultaneous blasts from the inside and outside will destroy Luud, and free the people trapped inside. The Para Para brothers use telepathy to communicate their plan to Goku. After a few unsuccessful tries, Goku and Pan manage to hit it at the same time. Luud explodes, and the people inside fall to the ground unharmed. Before they can stop him, Daltaki escapes in a spaceship. June 12, 1996 April 16, 2005 Giru detects a Dragon Ball on a desert planet. While the team is flying to the planet, Trunks suggests going back to Earth to replace Pan with Goten. When they land, a giant snake monster attacks them and damages their ship. While Trunks is fixing it, Pan succumbs to her anger and storms off into the desert in search of the Dragon Ball. Later, Giru goes after her. After a while, Pan succumbs to and , and is attacked by a giant snake monster. Giru arrives just in time to save her. When she comes to, she finds out that he also found the five-star ball and water, and she emotionally thanks Giru and apologizes for treating him so badly. When Goku and Trunks arrive, they find a nearby oasis, and use the water to refill the broken cooling tanks, and ultimately reconsider replacing Pan. Meanwhile, Daltaki is killed by Dr. Myuu's right-hand man, General Rilldo. June 19, 1996 February 22, 2012 Giru convinces Trunks to land on his home planet, since he hasn't been there in years. They walk into a city that seems deserted. Thousands of Giru-like robots appear, and they all seem to know him. The three get hungry, so they go in search of food. They are confronted by a group of incredibly powerful robots who call themselves the Sigma Force. Giru jumps up to the platform they're on to join them. One of the robots disintegrates, and then reforms around Goku and Trunks, trapping them. As Pan curses Giru for betraying them, the robots, including Giru, fly away to General Rilldo. The Son Goku Rescue Plan!! Gokū kyū shutsu sakusen!! June 26, 1996 November 14, 2003 The robots analyze the captured Trunks and Goku, and find that they each have extraordinary power, particularly Goku. Pan sneaks into their hideout and finds some robot parts. She disguises herself as a robot to further infiltrate the compound. Her identity is uncovered, and she is forced to fight one of the members of the Sigma Force. Real robots are revealed to have the power to walk through walls, and this Sigma Force robot uses that to his advantage. Giru has uploaded fighting data on Goku, Trunks, and Pan into the other robots, which gives them the upper hand. Angry at Giru's betrayal, Pan explodes with furious rage, and destroys her opponent. Meanwhile, Goku wakes up and breaks out of his containment chamber. Pan then breaks in, and is knocked in. There, they find that Giru has stolen the Dragon Balls. Meanwhile, Goku takes on the three remaining Sigma Force members. When he proves to be too strong for them, they combine into the Sigma Force Cannon. In this state, both their power and their speed increase dramatically. Goku has some trouble with them, but in the end, he doesn't even need to transform into a Super Saiyan to beat them. General Rilldo, who has been watching on a video screen, gets very angry. He decides to take them out himself, and he takes off toward their spaceship. The General shoots a weird energy beam at Pan, but Trunks pushes her out of the way and is hit by it. It freezes him in a metal block kind of like turning to stone , and he is instantly transmitted to the nearby tower, where he'll be sent to Dr. Pan rushes off to save him, but she arrives too late. Meanwhile, Goku and General Rilldo have been fighting. Goku is swarmed by robots who appear out of nowhere, and he is forced to transform into a Super Saiyan. General Rilldo follows suit by powering up himself. Nearby chunks of machinery fly toward him while he's powering up, and he merges with them to become Meta Rilldo. Pan, meanwhile, is trying to sneak into the main tower, but the emergency removal system keeps spitting her back out. But with the help of another robot, she deactivates the system. Before she can destroy Giru, he reactivates it, spitting her back out. Luckily, the Dragon Balls got spit out with her. General Rilldo tells Goku to give up, because as long as there is metal on the planet's surface, he can't be destroyed. Pan shows up to tell Goku that she found the Dragon Balls. Rilldo catches them off guard and, just like Trunks, freezes them both into metal. They are transported to Dr. Myuu's lab, where he prepares to dissect them. Giru shows up and frees both Goku and Pan with a special beam. Before he can free Trunks, another robot grabs the block, and in the scuffle, it breaks. While Goku and Pan mourn his death, Trunks appears on the nearby staircase. He and Giru reveal that everything that happened on this planet was planned by Giru and him. The metal Trunks that was destroyed was a fake. Trunks opens a secret door in the lab, despite Dr. The reason for the entire plan is inside. Myuu's special creation is an evil robot named Baby. Trunks has deactivated Baby's. Myuu tries to revive his creation, Trunks explains that when he was transmitted to the tower as a metal block, Giru freed him, and then created a replica that he transmitted to Dr. Meanwhile, the evil scientist has revived Baby, and the robot bursts out of his container. Goku, Trunks, and Pan immediately blast him, and when the smoke clears, Baby is gone. Myuu runs to his spaceship and takes off. On the ship, Baby bursts out of Dr. Myuu, revealing that he used the scientist to create him. He crushes Myuu's head, revealing the one-star ball inside. Rilldo grabs their ship, but the trio fire a Kamehameha Wave at him and finish him off. They locate a Dragon Ball that's on a nearby abandoned ship. The four of them board the ship and find the one-star ball. Pan sees something move, and decides to check it out. Giru informs the party that they only have two minutes until the ship crashes into the star it is orbiting. Pan finds a heavily injured, barely alive young boy, and they bring him back to their ship. Giru sends out a distress signal, and a nearby planet responds. They land, and take the boy to the hospital, where Goku is highly nervous and uncomfortable due to his severe. While in the emergency room, the boy wakes up, and blasts away the door. September 4, 1996 January 2, 2004 Thinking the explosion was an accident, Goku rescues the boy from the burning room. Alone in his new room, the boy is revealed to be possessed by Baby. Baby then possesses a doctor and gets Trunks alone. He attacks Trunks, but Goku and Pan arrive in time to save him. They sensed Baby's energy on the planet, and they knew that he would be after them, so they have been on their guard the entire time. They attempt to destroy Baby, but he catches Trunks off guard and possesses him. As Trunks, he is about to blast Goku at point-blank range, when Trunks takes control and redirects the blast. Because Baby is in a weak state, Trunks is able to force him from his body. Baby escapes and possess a random woman on the street. Not knowing which of the thousands of people Baby is in, the three take off in their ship. Meanwhile, back on Earth, a mysterious and powerful thug is rampaging through the city looking for the Saiyans. Goten finds this man and defeats him and his cronies. Another strange and powerful person attacks Goten, and then goes into convulsions. Baby extracts himself from this person, revealing that it was he who was possessing these mysterious fighters. During his journey to Earth, Baby regained a lot of his strength, and is not nearly as weak as he was when he fought Goku and Trunks. Baby tells Goten that he plans on possessing him. The Worst Brotherly Spat!? Sai-aku no kyōdai Genka!? October 30, 1996 January 16, 2004 Goten and Baby begin to fight. Baby baits Goten into powering all the way up. Then, he takes control of his body. Baby, as Goten, heads back to Capsule Corporation, eager to find Vegeta, whom he knows is the strongest of the Saiyans on Earth. Meanwhile, Goku, Trunks, and Pan find the three-star ball, and are now just one Dragon Ball away from finishing their quest. Back on Earth, Gohan realizes that something isn't right, and brings Goten out into the country. Gohan tells him that he knows that something is possessing him. Baby, sensing that Gohan is even stronger than Goten, tries to bait Gohan into releasing his full power by unleashing Goten's power on the Earth. Gohan is forced to power up to stop him, and when Gohan has his guard down, Baby switches bodies. Piccolo arrives, but is quickly cut down by Baby who uses Gohan's Kamehameha wave to blast him and Goten away. Baby, as Gohan, continues his search for Vegeta. Vegeta notices something wrong with Gohan right away, and instructs Bulla to go home. Vegeta learns that Baby is a Tuffle who is possessing Gohan. Baby explains how the Saiyans stole the Tuffles' home planet and claimed it as their own. This forced Tuffle scientists to create a parasitic organism, and send it off into the far reaches of space. Baby, this parasite, possessed Dr. Myuu and forced him to create a body for him. Vegeta tries to stop Baby, and has the upper hand, but Goten shows up, and he is still possessed by Baby. The two Saiyan brothers are too much for Vegeta, and Baby takes control of his body. As Vegeta, Baby makes his plan to turn the rest of the Earth into Tuffles, and to move onto the universe. Meanwhile, Goku, Trunks, and Pan find the two-star ball. Now that they have all seven Black Star Dragon Balls, they head back to Earth. Chikyū wa zenbu ora no teki!? November 13, 1996 January 30, 2004 Goku, Trunks, and Pan finally arrive back on Earth. They land at Dende's lookout, and hand over the Dragon Balls to him and Mr. What Goku, Trunks and Pan didn't realize is that Dende and Mr. Popo are still in Baby's control. They decide not to wish Goku back to normal, because then they would have to collect the balls all over again as Goku decides he would rather stay as a kid until he grows up instead of collecting the Dragon Balls again. When Goku and Pan arrive back at home, they notice something strange about Chi-Chi and Videl after Goku believes that Chi-Chi is still mad at him for not using the Dragon Balls to return to normal size and Pan thinks that Videl is mad at her for disobeying her and going to space with Goku. Gohan and Goten burst into the room and attack. Pan falls to the ground unconscious. Goku easily fights off the two of them, but then Vegeta shows up. According to Hercule, it seems that Baby has laid eggs inside of everyone on Earth, turning them all into Tuffles. Baby even laid an egg inside of Majin Buu, but Buu was able to spit it out. Buu and Hercule, through Buu's protection, are the only two that escaped Baby's rampage. Baby in Vegeta's body then confronts Goku. Super Saiyan 3 Fails!! Sūpā Saiyajin Surī yabureru!! November 27, 1996 February 6, 2004 While Baby and Goku fight, Buu eats Hercule and Pan for their protection, and then takes off. Trunks and Bulla show up and are eager to fight Goku, since they, too, have been infected. Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Bulla all try to fight Goku, but Baby calls them off. Baby convinces Goku to join him as another Tuffle. When Goku refuses, the Tuffle parasite insists on destroying him instead. Goku powers up to Super Saiyan 3, but finds that with his new body, he can't reach his full power, or defend himself as well. Baby begins to pummel Goku, who is now helpless. Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Bulla each give all of their energy to Baby, who takes on a new form and overpowers Goku with one punch. He then gathers energy from everyone on Earth and changed into another new form. Baby unleashed into a giant ball of energy that is similar to Goku's Spirit Bomb, called the Revenge Death Ball, and hurls it directly at Goku. It seems that Goku is finally dead. But just as he makes his inter-dimensional shift, he is hit by the blast's shockwave, and accidentally drops Goku in a mysterious dimension. Neither Baby nor the others saw any of this happen. Goku meets a strange man named Sugoro, who challenges him to a life-sized board game. If Goku wins the game, he gets to keep his life and return to Earth, but if he loses, he must give up his life. They begin to play a game of chance, and Goku always seems to have bad luck, unlike Sugoro, who never has anything bad happen to him. This is because he cheats while Goku isn't looking. Back on Earth, Dende gives Baby the Black Star Dragon Balls, and he wishes for the Tuffle home planet to be restored in orbit around the Earth. He then gathers all of the Tuffles on Earth, and they begin to board a giant spaceship that will take them there. Goku openly shouts about this despite Sugoro's pleading. The powers that run the game are angry about this, so they begin to destroy everything. Goku grabs Sugoro and blasts a hole into another dimension. Once they exit the game dimension, Kibito Kai appears and takes them to the world of the Kais. Elder Kai begins to train Goku, since he is not strong enough to beat Baby in his current state. Back on Earth, Buu, Pan, and Mr. Satan sneak onto the ship. Their cover gets blown, and Gohan is commanded to execute Pan. Just as he is about to carry out this order, Uub shows up and saves her. Uub and Baby begin to fight, and Uub seems to be winning. Gohan, Goten, and Trunks come to Baby's aid, but he reveals that he was just testing Uub. Frustrated by his three servants' interference, he apparently kills them. Meanwhile, Goku sees what's happening on the Tuffle planet and demands to be sent there immediately. The Elder Kai begins to understand what Goku has said and decides to send Goku there without completing the training, but then reveals that the purpose of Goku's training was to grow his tail so he could have enough energy to defeat Baby, but because there is no time to waste, he decides to pull it out manually, using Sugoro's son as a giant pair of pliers. On Baby's Tuffle Planet, the parasite tyrant in Vegeta's body quickly overpowers Uub, and begins to gather a giant energy ball, just like the one he used to attack Goku. Buu takes Pan and Mr. He says goodbye to them, and then flies back and absorbs the blast. Buu explodes, and the pieces of him rain down on Uub. After recalling their past of once being in one body, Buu and Uub fuse to form Majuub. Newfound Majuub's Killing Light Ray!! Shinsei Ūbu hissatsu kōsen!! January 15, 1997 May 22, 2004 As Majuub and Baby begin to fight on the Tuffle Planet, after numerous failed attempts to grow his Saiyan tail, Goku ties Elder Kai to a rock and tells him to hold on to the pliers. He flies away as hard as he can, which pulls his tail out to full length, successfully increasing his energy. Back on the Tuffle planet, Majuub creates a giant energy wave and aims it at Baby to turn. After a long struggle, Baby is able to deflect the wave back at Majuub. And as a result, Majuub is turned him into chocolate and devoured by Baby just as Goku reappears through Kibito Kai's teleportation only to see this incident, too late to save him. Now fueled by the loss of his trusted partner, Goku arrives and powers up to Super Saiyan 3 for a rematch after Baby discovers that Goku is still alive and he now has a tail. But even with his tail back, he does not seem to have gained any strength. Goku then charges at Baby, but the evil Tuffle grabs him by his tail golden while in Super Saiyan 3 , swirls him around in the air and throws him back to the ground, badly injuring him and causing him to regress back to his base form as he loses Super Saiyan 3 permanently. As Baby flies down to finish him this time, the now-depressed Goku realizes he is again no match for his foe, and then looks up at the Earth in the sky of the Tuffle Planet. Surprisingly, Goku absorbs the familiar energy reflecting off the Earth, the Blutz Waves, causing his tail to have a reaction, his heartbeat to increase by the time his eyes turn red, and his body to bulge. And then, he powers up in a gigantic Super Saiyan aura, finally transforming into a Great Ape: this time with golden fur including his spiked hair. Though stunned by Goku's amazing new transformation, Baby refuses to believe that Saiyans can change into Great Apes without the full moon, until he realizes in horror that Goku has used the Earth as the moon's resemblance. Giant Ape Son Goku's Rampage! Gokū no Ōzaru dai abare! January 22, 1997 May 29, 2004 Fully transformed into a Golden Great Ape through the Blutz Waves from the Earth and the power of the Super Saiyan, Goku begins to attack Baby. It is clear that he is now stronger than Baby, but in his present state, he can't focus his mind on fighting because, according to Elder Kai, he hasn't trained properly. Now succumbed to his animalistic Saiyan indistincts, Goku goes on a rampage, destroying everything in sight without even killing everyone controlled by Baby. Later, Goku is about to drink from the lake, until he again sees the Earth which he used to simulate the full moon for his transformation and climbs up the cliffs towards it. Unbeknownst to the savage Goku, Pan and Mr. Satan were following him quietly after learning he has survived somehow and even barely recognizing him in his Great Ape form. Meanwhile, Baby escapes to his tower where the infected Bulma is, thinking of his new plan in motion. His scheme; to lock on the Earth and transform into a Great Ape, hoping to come back for another fight with Goku. Now on a mountaintop, Goku tries to reach for the Earth, when Pan shows up in front of him. Pan tries to bring her grandfather to his sense with almost everything including her outfit that she wears for the World Martial Arts Tournament, but Goku swats her away. Then she shows him a picture of their family and friends on a beach vacation on Earth, and combined with Pan's tears, this reminds Goku of who he is after Goku remembers the good times that he had at the beach, including the part where he tells Pan about the seawater tasting salty. Goku then begins to transform again much to Pan's amazement. Goku is now at Super Saiyan 4, a new level of power secretly planned in his training by Old Kai. Son Goku Becomes A Super Saiyan 4!! Gokū ga sūpā Saiya-jin Fō ni!! January 29, 1997 June 5, 2004 Again, Goku is seen transforming from a Golden Great Ape to a Super Saiyan 4 after Pan restores his consciousness, but at the beginning of the episode this time. In his new form, Goku's powers are incredible and he is now an adult again, thanks to his newly-restored tail and the Earth's Blutz Waves. He tells Pan and Hercule that he will find Baby and will defeat him once and for all. On his tower, Baby and Bulma find a puzzling information on how did the Earth give Goku the Blutz Waves to become a Great Ape, and Bulma explain the reason Baby can't turn into one since he took control of Vegeta's body is that the Saiyan Prince no longer has a tail. Goku finds Baby, and they begin to fight. It seems like Baby still has the upper hand, but Goku reveals that he hasn't even been trying. Now on the offensive, Goku seems indestructible, and Baby is no match for him. Bulma contacts Baby, saying that she's found a way to focus Blutz Waves onto him, which would turn him into a Great Ape. It turns out that Bulma has created her Blutz Wave Generator. Using her generator, she hits him with this beam just before Goku releases a Kamehameha wave, and Baby transforms into a Golden Great Ape. Note: This episode was released as a short in the second Issue of the Limited DVD series. It came with Prima's Official Strategy Guide of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai. In his new state, Baby is more powerful, but just like with Goku, lacks control of himself. He begins to destroy his own city and his people. Goku is able to fight back, and is confident that he can win. Baby begins to speak to Goku normally. He says that while Vegeta's body transformed, he, the parasite, remained unchanged. He was only destroying his people for fun. He then aims a Super Galic Gun right at the Earth, and Goku isn't quick enough to stop it. Though the Earth is not destroyed, the blast has caused it significant damage, and it won't be able to take another direct hit. Goku hits Baby with a Kamehameha wave, but it does little damage. Baby aims another beam right at the Earth, but Goku gets in the way and takes the full force of the blast. Baby and Son Goku -- Double KO!! Bebī to Gokū Daburu Keī Ō!! February 12, 1997 June 19, 2004 Goku's Kamehameha wave has a delayed effect, and knocks Baby down. They get back up, only to knock each other out. Elder Kai takes advantage of this and sends Kibito Kai to Dende's lookout. His plan is to use the Sacred Water, the same water that was used to return Earth to normal after they beat Garlic Jr, to revive the other Saiyans. Kibito Kai finds the water and uses it on Dende and Mr. Then he arrives on the Tuffle planet and uses it to revive Trunks. Back on the Tuffle Planet, Bulma uses the Blutz Wave Generator again to restore Baby to his full strength. Goku wakes up, and it seems like he, too, has regained his strength, though he is only bluffing. He tries his best to avoid Baby's attacks while still seeming confident. Pan can't stand to look on anymore and rushes in to confront Baby. Baby knocks her down and is about to stomp on her, when Trunks shows up and blasts Baby away. Gohan and Goten arrive, and they prepare to fight. Goku stops them, saying that the only thing powerful enough to stop Baby is Super Saiyan 4. He instructs them to give him their energy so he can fight. Realizing this, Baby attacks them. Baby begins writhing in pain. Majuub, whom Baby had eaten, has regained his form and is attacking from the inside, revealing that he had purposely allowed Baby to deflect his attack and eat him. This gives them enough time to give Goku their energy. Baby spits Majuub out, and with Goku at full power, the final battle begins. With no other way out, Baby hits Goku with his Revenge Death Ball. Goku is enveloped by the blast, but refuses to give up. He absorbs the energy. He then fires a powerful Kamehameha wave at Baby, knocking him unconscious. Goku then blasts away Baby's tail, causing him to regress into his earlier form. Knowing that he is greatly outmatched, Baby extracts himself from Vegeta's body and flees to his ship. Vegeta recovers, but Baby flies away. Determined to finish him off, Goku fires another Kamehameha wave at Baby's ship, blasting it into the sun. They head back to Earth before Goku returns to his child form and sprinkle the entire surface with sacred water, while Kibito Kai and Gohan do the same on the Tuffle planet. The Earth begins to shake violently. Because Baby made another wish on the Black Star Dragon Balls, the planet is still in danger of exploding. In two weeks, it will be one year since Goku was transformed, and that will mark the end of the Earth. Satan convinces the people that the Earth really is going to explode. As the last ship is leaving Earth, Goku locates the last four stragglers, but someone realizes they left their son back on the planet. Goku finds him, along with Piccolo. He loses his Super Saiyan 4 form, and can't use Instant Transmission. Piccolo gives him his energy, allowing him to make one last trip. He takes the boy back, but Piccolo lets go of him and is left on Earth. He telepathically tells Gohan that the Black Star Dragon Balls are too dangerous, and he plans to sacrifice himself so that they can never be used again as he makes a final goodbye to Gohan. After Earth explodes, they make a wish on Namek's Dragon Balls to restore the planet. With the planet restored, everybody begins to celebrate as Chi-Chi tells Bulma no matter how big or small he is, Goku is still her husband. Gohan mourns the loss of Piccolo and Goku tells him that he misses him too. Who Will Be Satan's Successor? Goku is forced to enter the Junior Division, since he is a child again; when he asks Mr. Satan about this, he states it is because of his height, and Pan fights in the Adult Division because she is taller than he is. In reality, he doesn't want Pan to end up fighting Goku, and wants Pan to succeed him as World Champion. Goku makes it to the finals, but is accidentally knocked out of the ring by his opponent after being distracted by Vegeta, and loses. Pan makes it to the semi-finals of the Adult Division, but forfeits because she doesn't want to turn out like her grandpa, Mr. Majuub makes it to the finals against Mr. Satan, and takes the fight seriously. He is about to win, when Buu, from inside of him, tells him to let Mr. Satan win, as Mr. Satan gives the world hope. He gets knocked out of the ring, and Mr. Satan retains the title of World Champion. Note: This episode was released as a short in the third Issue of the Limited DVD series. It came with Prima's Official Strategy Guide of Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu. When he recovers, he explains that Android 17 attacked him, and said that Dr. Myuu have demanded that Goku come to hell through the black hole and fight them, or else they will resurrect Cell and Frieza and send them to Earth. A reporter on TV says that there are mysterious monsters destroying the city, and they recognize the monsters as everyone Goku has defeated over the years. Goku decides to go to hell and fight. Down in hell, Dr. Myuu explain that they created a replica of the Android 17 on Earth, but altered both of their programming to make them completely loyal. When these two androids fuse together, the resulting Super Android 17 will have unbelievable power. When Goku arrives in hell, Dr. Myuu flee, and close up the hole connecting Earth and hell, trapping Goku inside. Cell and Frieza show up, and now that he's trapped in hell, he has no choice but to fight them. He kills both of them quickly, but they come back to life. Since they are already dead, Goku can never kill them. They trap Goku in a cage of energy, and force him down into the depths of hell. There, he is tortured in various ways, finally being trapped in a block of ice. Back on Earth, Gohan is fighting General Rilldo, and Rilldo hits him with his metal beam, turning Gohan's right arm into metal. Trunks and Goten are exterminating Saibamen, while Vegeta deals with the new Android 17. The original 17 locates Krillin, Marron, and Android 18. He hypnotizes her, and tells her to join him. Note: This episode was released as a short in the fourth Issue of the Limited DVD series. It came with Prima's Official Strategy Guide of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2. Krillin tells her not to, and tries to reason with 17, but 17 kills him. Down in hell, Goku's body heat weakens the ice enough for him to break it, and once he's out, he uses the freezing machine on Frieza and Cell and then accidentally shatters them. Back on Earth, the two 17's find each other and merge, forming Super Android 17. Vegeta, Trunks, Gohan, Goten, and Majuub all try to attack him, but their efforts are useless. Watching this from hell, Goku asks King Yemma if he can bring him to Earth, but it is beyond Yemma's power. Piccolo, however, has a plan, and requests that King Yemma send him to hell; when King Yemma refuses, Piccolo convinces him that he made a mistake by wreaking havoc with numerous energy waves, and is sent to hell. He telepathically communicates his plan with Dende. They try to send an energy blast to each other at the same time. After several tries, they finally hit at the exact same moment, and another black hole opens up. Piccolo, unfortunately, cannot follow Goku back to Earth, as he must remain perfectly still for the portal to remain open, but assures Goku that it will be all right; he is willing to spend eternity in hell to help his old friend. Meanwhile, Vegeta, Trunks, Gohan, Goten, and Majuub are losing badly to Super Android 17. The Android turns on Dr. Myuu programmed the android to only take commands from him. With Gero out of the picture, he tells 17 to finish them all off. Just as he's about to blast Vegeta, Goku arrives and pushes him out of the way, and turns his attention to Super 17. The battle is clearly in 17's favor, as Gero and Myuu programmed knowledge of all of Goku's techniques and abilities into him; however, Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 4, which neither Gero or Myuu knew about. He hits 17 with hundreds of energy blasts, but none of them seem to hurt the android. He tries a Kamehameha wave, but 17 makes no effort to get out of the way, and Goku realizes that 17 is absorbing the energy, just like Android 19 did, but without the devices on the hands. Super Android 17 has now absorbed so much energy that he is stronger than Goku. Goku tries to use Instant Transmission to sneak up on 17, but the android can sense where he is going to appear by analyzing the distortion Instant Transmission causes in the atmosphere. With none of Goku's tactics working, Super Android 17 conjures a powerful energy ball to finish him off. He tries to blow them both up, but when the smoke clears, both of them remain alive. Once again, he gathers energy for his final attack, but suddenly 18 shows up. Her taunts cause 17 to turn and destroy Dr. He turns back to kill Goku, but before he can, 18 starts firing energy blasts at him. While 17 is absorbing the blasts, Goku realizes that he is unable to move while absorbing energy and thus vulnerable, and he quickly attacks, punching a hole through him. He finishes 17 off with a Kamehameha wave. Bulma arrives, saying that the Earth is incredibly unstable because of the interdimensional portals that 17 and Piccolo opened up. They gather the Dragon Balls to fix this, only to find that they are all cracked. When they call Shenron, black smoke issues from them, and a mysterious but powerful, evil new dragon emerges. Shenron Is Our Enemy?! Shenron ga teki ni?! June 11, 1997 September 4, 2004 The new dragon turns out to be pure evil. He sucks up the Dragon Balls and then splits into seven more dragons, which then fly away. Elder Kai explains that each time the Dragon Balls are used, they store negative energy, and that energy takes 100 years to dissipate. The reason the balls scatter after they're used is to give them time to release their negative energy. But because Bulma invented the dragon radar, they were able to find them very quickly and summon Shenron many times. This overuse caused the balls to overload themselves with negative energy, and that energy spawned the Shadow Dragons. All those present blame Bulma for this, but she quickly places the blame on Goku, stating that she could never have found them without his help. In any event, Goku, feeling guilty for having used the Dragon Balls so often, goes off to slay the dragons, as they will potentially destroy the universe if left unchecked. Goku follows the destructive path left by the dragons, and Pan follows him, bringing Giru along to use the dragon radar. They find the two-star dragon destroying a village. She is much more powerful than the dragon and relentlessly beats it up. But Pan's attacks seem to do less and less, until the dragon is able to overpower her. Goku tries to transform into a Super Saiyan and finds that he is unable to. The dragon explains that his pollution causes all living things to exponentially weaken, die and decay over a short period of time. This is why Pan's strength is gone, and why Goku can't power up. He also reveals that he was created when Goku wished to revive Bora, father of his old friend Upa, after he was killed by Mercenary Tao, horrifying Goku with the fact that he was indeed responsible for the creation of the Shadow Dragons. The dragon beats them up, and then throws them into the lake. Giru, who is unaffected by the poison due to being a robot, goes underwater and pulls them to an uninfected part of the lake. There is a spring here that is feeding in pure water from underground, keeping the area clean. Goku blasts the hole, flooding the lake with clean water. With their powers rejuvenated, Goku and Pan destroy the dragon quickly before his pollution has enough time to take effect and recover the two-star ball, which returns to its original form. They find some weird electric slime, and they figure out that the five-star dragon, Rage Shenron, is controlling the slime. After revealing that he was created when Master Roshi and Bulma wished to revive Goku when Vegeta and Nappa originally came to Earth, he gathers the slime and becomes gigantic. Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 4 and tries to blast the dragon, but the slime bounces his attack back at him. The dragon traps Goku and Pan in the slime, which begins to electrocute them. It begins to rain, causing the dragon to short circuit and explode. Rage Shenron tricks Pan by admitting defeat and when she tries to claim the Dragon Ball, Rage Shenron tries to trap her but she gets out of the way. Goku then destroys him by using a normal Kamehameha Wave. Goku and Pan claim the five-star ball. She reveals that she was created by the very first wish that Goku and company ever made Oolong wishing for a pair of underwear in order to thwart Emperor Pilaf ; while both she and Pan are disgusted and embarrassed by this, Goku looks back on it with humor, much to the dragon's anger. This dragon can put up energy shields, so Goku can't hit her. He tries to use a Kamehameha wave, but the dragon deflects it. The dragon then creates an extremely powerful vortex, smashing Goku through a cliff. Pan creates her first Kamehameha wave and blasts it at the dragon, which gives Goku the chance to deal the finishing blow. They collect the six-star ball and continue their journey. He is creating earthquakes by digging holes in the ground, and he isn't interested in fighting. Goku and Pan follow him while he's digging, and see that he's headed for a city. The dragon creates a massive earthquake, but Pan and Goku as a Super Saiyan 4, are able to prevent the city from being damaged. The dragon gets angry with them and after revealing that he was created by the wish to revive all innocents killed by Majin Vegeta on the day of Majin Buu's resurrection, tries to fight, but ends up hitting himself with his own attack. Goku prepares to deal the final blow, but the dragon dies on its own. Goku powers down and Pan catches the seven-star ball, only to find that it still has cracks in it. The ball begins to glow, and Pan gets sucked into it. The dragon reveals that he uses a hosts body to form his own. He was using a mole's body, which is why he was so weak, but now he is using Pan's body, which means he is far more powerful. He wants to get Goku's Super Saiyan 4 body, but Goku refuses to power up. He says that he'll fight if the dragon releases Pan. Inside of him, Pan can't take the destruction, so she telepathically pleads with Goku to fight. He realizes that it's the right thing to do, so he reluctantly transforms into a Super Saiyan 4. Intending to kill the dragon, along with Pan, he hits the dragon with a Kamehameha wave. The dust clears, and the dragon is still alive. Goku couldn't bring himself to put all of the necessary energy into the blast. The dragon turns the tide of the fight, and appears to knock Goku out. He pushes Pan halfway out of him, and Goku grabs her and pulls her out. The dragon regresses to his normal form, and Goku destroys him. They claim the seven-star ball, and continue their journey. He can raise his body temperature to even greater levels than the surface of the sun, which makes punching him out of the question. Goku is forced to run from the dragon. He realizes that he can still use energy waves, so he begins attacking the dragon. After a while, the dragon gets tired of playing around, and he changes into his final form. Goku follows suit, and transforms into a Super Saiyan 4. She says that she's working on something that will help him. While she's preparing the device, Vegeta reminisces about Goku in the past; everything from their first fight when he was once evil though he was still good in the present , to Goku's fight with Frieza when he first transformed into a Super Saiyan, to their fight when he was Majin Vegeta half evil, half good , to their fight with Kid Buu. Bulma then explains how Goku became Super Saiyan 4 in the fight against Baby on the Tuffle planet: when Goku looked at the Earth from the Tuffle planet as if it were a full moon, he transformed into a Golden Great Ape because the Blutz Waves he absorbed were naturally being created by the Earth, in the same way as if they only reflect from the moon. Pan helped him become conscious of himself, and this made him transform again into the final Super Saiyan 4 stage. Since Vegeta is already conscious of himself as a regular Great Ape, theoretically he just needs to be bombarded with Blutz Waves to make the transformation to Super Saiyan Great Ape and then he can become a Super Saiyan 4. Bulma hypothesizes that Vegeta didn't transform into a Super Saiyan 4 while Baby was possessing him as a Super Saiyan Great Ape because Vegeta wasn't conscious. To create these Blutz Waves, Bulma has built a mobile version of the machine that she built for Baby on the Tuffle planet while she was possessed by one of Baby's parasitic offspring. Goku catches Nuova off guard, but grants him a freebie because Nuova spared Pan's life at Goku's request when he could have easily destroyed her. Nuova says that he doesn't harm innocent and helpless people. As they continue to fight, a beam comes out of nowhere and hits Goku's arm, freezing it. It came from Eis Shenron, the three-star dragon, and Nuova's twin brother, who was as revealed in Dragon Ball GT Perfect Files brought forth by the wish that erased the memories of Majin Buu from everyone on Earth excluding the and their friends. Eis has taken the Dragon Balls from Pan, and he gives them to Nuova. He then freezes the rest of Goku. Eis commands Nova to finish Goku off, but Nuova refuses because Goku can't defend himself. Eis beats up Nuova, and reissues his command. Nuova appears to obey, but his attack just melts the ice. Goku thanks Nuova, and promises to beat Eis in ten seconds. When the battle is in Goku's favor, Eis resorts to dirty tricks, such as using the unconscious Pan and even his own brother as. Eis freezes him again, but Goku is able to break free, and he beats the dragon. As Eis is begging for mercy, he suddenly slashes Goku's eyes, blinding him. Goku is able to quickly land a devastating punch, which finishes off the three-star dragon. Nuova hands Goku special eye drops to cure his blindness, but they are shot out of his hand. It was the one-star dragon, Syn Shenron, who was created also revealed in Dragon Ball GT Perfect Files by the wish that revived all victims of Frieza and his men. He quickly destroys Nuova, leaving only a blind Goku to fight him. An enraged and disgusted Goku criticizes him for killing one of his own kind, but Syn merely reminds him that Goku is responsible for the birth of all Shadow Dragons because he overused the Dragon Balls. Undaunted, Goku states that he always used the Dragon Balls for the good of the Earth and never used them selfishly even once, and tries to fight, but even when he lands a Kamehameha wave, he isn't able to do any damage to the one-star dragon. The dragon lands a powerful hit, which knocks Goku unconscious. Pan regains consciousness, and is horrified to see Goku hanging upside-down from a pole. However, at that moment, Goten, Gohan, Trunks, and Majuub save him, and Mr. Satan, Chi-Chi, and Videl also show up for support. While Majuub tries to hold off the dragon, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks give all of their power to Goku. Goku absorbs more power than even he thought possible, and even though he's still blind, he can perfectly sense the one-star dragon's movements. The dragon can't even land a punch. Goku fires a Kamehameha wave at the dragon, seemingly killing him. The dragon reappears, having dodged the blast. He sucks up the other six Dragon Balls, which were scattered around the area, and he transforms into Omega Shenron. Goku counterattacks, but he was not able to inflict any damage at all. Omega Shenron retaliates by using the powers of the four, three, six, and five star dragons. At this point, Goku, whose vision has been restored, blasts a Kamehameha at Omega Shenron, who was taken by surprise, and seemingly destroys him with a Dragon Fist. However, he regenerates back to normal using the power of the five star dragon. Omega Shenron's power has far surpassed Goku's. Goku is no longer a match for him. Desperate, Goku grabs Omega Shenron. He begins to self-destruct, but Vegeta arrives and tells him not to. He knows firsthand that self-destruction doesn't work. Bulma arrives with the Blutz Wave Generator, and she blasts Vegeta with it. Vegeta transforms into a Great Ape, and it seems like he has lost control of himself, but he quickly becomes conscious of his actions. He then transforms into a Golden Great Ape and finally Super Saiyan 4, but even teaming up with Goku won't be enough to stop Omega Shenron. He suggests that he and Goku fuse together. Gohan, Goten, and Trunks cut him off to buy their fathers some time. While they hold Omega Shenron off, Goku and Vegeta fuse. They are now Gogeta, and are far more powerful than Omega Shenron. His punches are too fast even for the dragon to see. But instead of quickly finishing the job, Gogeta toys with Omega Shenron. Furious, the dragon unleashes all of the Dragon Balls' negative energy in one massive attack. Gogeta redirects the ball easily away from the Earth, and the negative energy that was enveloping the Earth dissipates. Gogeta then hits Omega Shenron with a Big Bang Kamehameha x100, but it doesn't quite kill him. Before Gogeta can finish him off, he splits in two again, their immense power having cut the normal fusion time in half. Six of the balls have been dislodged from the dragon's body, and before he can suck them all back up, Goku grabs the four-star ball. Then he and Vegeta attempt to fuse again, but this time Omega Shenron knows what fusion is, and stops them. Goku and Vegeta try to fuse over and over again, but Omega Shenron stops them every time. He's too fast and powerful to avoid long enough to fuse. Then Goku and Vegeta use the after-image technique, which distracts Omega Shenron long enough for them to do the fusion dance. However, the dance doesn't work for some reason. Knowing that it won't work again, Omega Shenron lets them try one more time. This time, Goku reverts to his child self. Because he's been fighting longer than Vegeta, he is out of power, and therefore can't fuse. Suddenly, the four-star ball appears on Goku's forehead. Nuova is no longer on Goku's side, since he was infected with Omega Shenron's negative energy after the dragon ate the ball. Nuova kicks Vegeta aside, and conjures a massive beam. Goku creates a Kamehameha wave, and both he and Nuova turn and fire at Omega Shenron. After being infected with Omega's negative energy, Nuova was flooded with positive energy while inside Goku. Nuova then grabs Omega and encases the two of them in flames. The ball of fire erupts, and it seems that Omega has been destroyed. But when the smoke clears, only Omega is left. Right before the explosion, Omega took cover inside of Nuova's heat-resistant body. Now Omega Shenron is at full power because he has all seven Dragon Balls inside him. To make matters even worse, Vegeta loses power, including Super Saiyan 4 as well, and reverts back to his base state, and is unable to power up, since the Blutz Wave Generator was destroyed by Omega Shenron. He creates a giant energy ball and hurls it at the Earth. Vegeta prepares to attack it, but Goku knocks him aside and tries to push it back. After a long struggle, Omega's power is too much, and the ball explodes. Goku prevented the Earth from blowing up, but seemingly died in the blast. Vegeta, Trunks, Gohan, and Goten all attack Omega Shenron, but are quickly beaten. Omega then once again floods the Earth with negative energy, and Vegeta, seeking to avenge Goku's apparent death, charges, only to be defeated quickly. Before losing consciousness, Vegeta assures him that he hasn't won yet, which proves true as a still-living Goku rises from the crater, holding a Spirit Bomb. He has gathered all the energy from the Earth, but it's not enough. He tells King Kai to ask the entire universe for power. During this time, Omega repeatedly blasts Goku, but cannot damage him, due to the immense amount of energy that Goku is now in possession of. Energy from all over the universe gathers on Earth, and the phenomenally powerful Universal Spirit Bomb is completed. Omega, now fearing for his life, swallows his pride and pleads for mercy, but Goku refuses to listen and hits him with the Spirit Bomb, destroying him. After the explosion, the others find Goku lying unconscious with the Dragon Balls scattered around him. Suddenly, the Dragon Balls activate on their own and the original Shenron himself appears. However, he allows one more wish at Goku's request, which is to repair all damage done to the Earth since the gateway to Hell was opened up by Android 17, as well as revive all the innocent people who have been killed. Just before Shenron leaves, he calls for Goku to accompany him. Goku entrusts Vegeta to take his place as Earth's savior, and as they fly away, Bulma reminisces about her time with Goku. Unexpectedly, Pan finds Goku's clothes on the ground, and Vegeta tells her to treasure them dearly before he and the other Z-warriors leave. Goku stops by Kame House to say goodbye to Master Roshi and Krillin, who has been revived. He also stops in hell to say goodbye to Piccolo, and tells him that he will one day get back into Heaven. As he lies on the back of Shenron, the seven Dragon Balls become one with Goku's body, and he becomes one with Shenron as Shenron finally vanishes. Pan looks down and sees the now-adult Goku watching the fight, but when she goes down to find him, he's not there anymore; Pan merely assumes that she was imagining things. As Goku exits the stadium, he flashes back to many of the events that shaped his past, from his adoption by Grandpa Gohan to Baby's defeat. Archived from on 2008-04-05. Archived from on 2004-09-27. Retrieved July 6, 2014. Retrieved July 6, 2014.
Funimation's English dub began re-airing in the U. February 12, 1997 June 19, 2004 Goku's Kamehameha wave has a delayed effect, and knocks Baby down. The dragon lands a dragon ball gt episode 16 hit, which knocks Goku unconscious. However, as Goku is too short to pull it off convincingly, the two force Trunks to do so. Retrieved August 24, 2016. With Gero out of the picture, he tells 17 to finish them all off. Gohan tells him that he knows that something is possessing him. Majuub makes it to the finals against Mr. They are transported to Dr. Produced bythe series premiered in Japan on on February 7, 1996, spanning 64 episodes until its conclusion on November 19, 1997. Archived from on 2008-04-05. Myuu's special creation is an evil robot named Baby.